Allan Day
Allan has over 25 years experience as a management professional leading change and consulting to organisations implementing major change. He is a progressive senior leader and management consultant with broad experience that brings a good balance of “real life” experiences and practical leadership, consulting and coaching expertise.
Allan is the Principal of 3Pillars Asia Pacific in South Australia and a Director of Results Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd, a Canberra-based organisational improvement firm. In that capacity he connects 3Pillars Asia Pacific to an extensive consulting capability within the Federal Government market. Allan has also more recently consulted in the Adelaide market as a Senior Associate with Purvis Consulting. Allan’s philosophy is centred on making a positive difference to the organisations and individuals he interacts with.
He does this through working with his clients to understand the challenges from their perspective and offering solutions that are “real” and that fit the purpose. To ensure sustainable and effective organisational change, the hearts and minds of the individuals within the organisation must be captured. They must truly understand the reason for business strategy and for change and where they personally fit. Allan’s willingness to engage and empathise at all organisational levels enables him to quickly gain credibility that is imperative in driving business strategy and change.
Grad. Dip Mgt (AGSM)
Grad. Mgt Qualification (AGSM)
Member, Australian Institute of Management
Past Vice-President of the Institute of Public Administration Australia (WA Division)
Accredited, Team Management Profile
Key Expertise
Organisational Development & Change
Leadership Development
Organisational Review
Industry Focus
Government (all Tiers)
Professional Services
Resources Sector